Selasa, 5 Jun 2012

cApiTaL 4 L.o0.Ve!!~

salam dn hyep to allz blo0ggerz!!! =p
ths aftrno0n,,i hve a  sto0ry to share.... =)
bo0ut wht??? i do0n kno0w act...kekekeke~ =p
lo0ve~ <3
sume o0wng pnh FALLING IN LO0VE,,, rite??
o0f co0z!!!~ =p
me t0o!!!!!!! >,<
ths guyz make  me crazy...the entre o0f my life,,,o0nly him!!!!! =)

xder ensem sgt...~ =p

ho0w expect~ dns't FALLING IN LO0VE ANYMRE after ths guyz!!!
after him,,try 2 hve sme1,,but i cn't!!
right no0w,,i hve new goals bo0ut lo0ve...
whn i gro0w up,,,i dn't wanna  be a Mo0MA / WIFE....~ =|
hahaha~ ths is true sttemnt o0ke!!!~ =|
act,, i hve sme1 but,, so0 dificlt co0z i do0nt lo0ve him like aniq...
so0wie to ex...
4 ur infrmtion,,,izwan 16 y/o???
tht's why we don't hve a go0d cnditio0n in making a lo0ve..~ =|
the last thng: i lo0ve aniq almo0st 7 years!!!!~ =)

   srIkAnDy MuRaSaKi a.k.a MiRa nAtRaTiLoVa....=)

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