Jumaat, 8 Jun 2012

s0o b2st!!!~

salam dn hyep 2 all blo0gger...
arap ko0wng seht.... =)
arie nie aq nk shre psl B2ST...
b2st nie amt special bg aq..
aq dh mnt dyer0owg hmpr 2 tao0n...x
psti knl dri spe,,,aq rse shatul...
mkso0d nme bnd dio0wng nie : BOYS 2 SEARCH TOP!!
k,,,xnk byk ckp lgi....aq rse bnd nie sgt femes~!!! so0 jgn wt2 xkenl lak~!! he~ =)

ahahaha~ sexy seo0bie~ =)

cuUtE~ =p
dujun & seo0bie~

o0mo~ aegyo0 kyeo0pta~ =)

yuUMMY~ 0_______o
ahahaha~ so0 cute!!! >,<

0ou~ is tht seo0bie~??? =)

ahahaha~ wo0nie & seo0bie....sWeEt~ o____0

ahahaha~dujun,,i kno0w ,,u cover it!!!

o0u~ cuUte seunggiE~ =p

dujun,,, u have a eViL laugh~!!!

sweEt~ =p

jun hyung dsn't like it~ =..='
ahahahaha~ >-<
my g0d!!! o_0

do0ng wo0n with junhyung~ =p
lo0ve ths 1~!!! >,<

crazy dance by dujun~ =..='

ea,,,wht ar do0ing seo0bie???

hahahaha~!!!! do0ng wo0n be creful..0ok??? >,<

jun hyung,, u so0 sexy~!! 0_o
seo0bie's dad...also0... erk??? not for sure~ =..='

screaming??? =)

hahahaha~ =p

s0o smart~!!! =)


erk??? =..='

my g0d,, like so0 gentleman!!~ =p

erk??? =..='

evil seo0bie... =p

do0ng wo0n get angry~ =p


ahahahaha >,<
so0 po0r jun hyung~ =p

like a princes..

cuUTe,, rite??

erk??? =..=' hurry up get a mikrofn...

seo0bie u so0 kyeopta~

seo0bie???!!! so0 no0ty ea~

do0ng wo0n so0 shy huh??? =..='

ahahaha~ t-ara's so0ng yayayaya~ he~=p

pergh!! seo0bie so0 smexy~ =p
he~ =)

scary ka??? he~ =p


o0i,,kyeopta la~ =p

ea!! no0ty bo0ys!!! =p

alwayz cuUte~ =p

sMaRt Pic ~ o__0

hyun seung wht ar u lghng at???

huhuhuhu,,,jun hyung,, dn't angry  whn u kno0w dujun do0 ths 2 u....he~
ahahaha.....=) just go0!! o0ke?? =)

o0mo0~ kyeopta!!!! >,<

dujun??? dn't do0 tht...
sexy~ bo0 pep2~!!! >,<

ur lips...o0h!!! =p

kiyaa~!!! =p

seo0bie in ficto0n~ =p

fictio0n~ =)
hyeEp~ =)

seo0bie also known as king o0f kyeo0pta~ =)

yesss appa!!~ ahahahaha~ =)

so0 b2st~!!!! =)

skiny baby~ sexy seo0bie~

sweEt Y0o!!~ =p

play guitar??? i like!!! =)

elegent~ =)

lo0ve ths 1!!!~ =)
                                                   rsenyer,,seo0bie lgi byk....kn???? =)
co0z read ths entry~ =)

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